women’s day

This week on International Women’s Day (March 8), I gathered my girls (plus a best friend over for a sleepover) at the kitchen counter for breakfast. We talked about what International Women’s Day is. We talked about the wonderful things about being women. 

I asked them “What’s something that’s hard about being a girl that’s different than a boy?” 

They couldn’t think of anything. 

My mind was full of all I’ve studied - patriarchy, gender biases, Bechdel tests, misogyny, suffrage, trafficking, and the oppression of women in so many ways historically and worldwide. 

But they couldn’t think of anything. And I’m so grateful for that. 

Culturally, we don’t have it perfect. There is patriarchy at play that they aren’t aware of yet. But I think the women of the past - the women who sacrificed and marched and petitioned and prayed - would be so proud of what their work has accomplished: a place in the world where girls are truly proud to be girls, and where they can dream as big as they wish. 

So let’s keep pushing forward, women and all feminists. Let’s keep making the world a better place. Because this week, I was reminded that we really can. 


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