
TeenPact Maryland 2013. Funny how a few words that didn't really mean anything a week ago are so full of memories and meaning now.

My second TeenPact class of the season took place in Annapolis, Maryland, and adorable city with lots of brick buildings and even cobblestone streets downtown! The weather was pretty cold, but the sun showed its face a few times as we went about our TeenPact business.

Our Maryland team was made of some absolutely fantastic people: Ben Edmonds, Danny Sullivan, Macaela (yeah, my Macaela), Meghan Sandbek, Joe Solem, and Meghan Perdue all allowed God to work in and through them this past week, and I am so grateful to have been a part of it.

A few memories!

1. "Life is not a cereal! Well, is it a cereal." We quoted this all week long. For no real reason other than it made us laugh. If you haven't seen the video, watch it here.

2. The Bill Skit. I had never seen Lydia dramatize a crazy monkey before.

3. "SHELBY!" This would be the answer that was almost unanimously called out after reading aloud Tuesday's Bonus quiz question: Which staff member was mistaken for a Muslim terrorist by police officers in Paris? (not me.)

4. Devil's Advocate. I got to attempt to persuade students that the Constitution prohibits prayer at school four different times. And I have to say, it was a blast to try to argue persuasively for a belief I completely disagree with. Is that weird?

5. So gullible. Texts:
           Ben: "Hey everyone, because of how far behind we are, we're gonna go ahead and cancel lunch and move right into graduation. Hope that's okay with everyone. Energy!"
           Ben: "Okay, I was joking about the lunch part. We'll eat lunch at 12:40."
           Danny: "Dude......"

6. Maggie. The Solem's pug. So ugly that she was cute.

7. Prayer Walks. Spending time with our EMC committee was such a gift.

8. Worship. Whether at the class, with the staff team (Ben on piano and Meghan P. on violin!), or on my own, I never tire of singing His praises. I cannot wait for Heaven.

9. Chick and Ruth's. This will be a good memory by next week. But at this point, the very-real effects of drinking most of my half of a 6 lbs. milkshake just isn't the best feeling. But bragging rights help.

10. Jesus. He always pours out His grace on us as we serve Him in His own strength. We started the week very focused on the theme of "Bless the Lord, oh my soul," and Psalm 103. Personally, He brought me back to Romans 5-8 over and over and over again. Praise God for the gospel.

Every class is so different. And yet every class bring ultimately the same conclusion: more gospel in my life, and more glory to God. This is how it should be.

On to South Dakota!


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