south dakota
I can hardly believe this life I'm living, this season I'm journeying through, these people I'm meeting and growing so close to. To God be the glory.
Last week in Pierre, South Dakota (pronounced "pier," not "Pierre") blew me away yet again. I served with an incredible staff team: Johnny Leifheit, Grayson Allen, Norman Woods, Andie Johnson, Emily Ballam, Janae Mudge, Mrs. Woods, and Mr. Crum. Together, we had a blast, laughed hard, and fought hard in the battle of the Lord. Our vision continued to be "changing lives to change the world," and in God's strength, I believe that goal was furthered.
So many memories! It's hard to realize that only a week ago, none of these things had happened. But, as always, here are a few of the highlights of my class in South Dakota.
Mount Rushmore! I got to check that one off my bucket list. It was pretty crazy to be finally staring at that mountain that you've seen in pictures, documentaries, books, etc. your whole life. But I did. And I did it with great friends. Blessed? Blessed.
Road-trippin'. Driving from Rapid City to Pierre with the team, we drove through the incredible Badlands, as well as stopping at Wall Drug. Too hard to explain. Just go.
Pierre. I loved being at this capitol city. Okay, the city itself is.... not that exciting. But the Capitol building was fantastic. It's the first capitol I've been to that had a time capsule. Seriously. To be opened in 2075. Plus, the state motto is "Under God the People Rule."
I like South Dakota.
Bill Skit. As always. "Stalker...."~Johnny
Students. Boy, did we have some fun. Between some pretty passionate sessions of TP legislature and some furious frisbee games, we had a blast together. But beyond that, we got to know each other more and more through evening session sharing, rendezvous, and a night of prayer and talking. I left a little bit of my heart with you all in South Dakota. Keep loving Jesus.
Jesus. How blessed I am to have my best friend experiencing all of this with me. And even more, He is what makes it worth living. The gospel becomes more scandalous, more beautiful, and more needed every single day.
Hallelujah, all I have is Christ. Hallelujah, Jesus is my life!
Last week in Pierre, South Dakota (pronounced "pier," not "Pierre") blew me away yet again. I served with an incredible staff team: Johnny Leifheit, Grayson Allen, Norman Woods, Andie Johnson, Emily Ballam, Janae Mudge, Mrs. Woods, and Mr. Crum. Together, we had a blast, laughed hard, and fought hard in the battle of the Lord. Our vision continued to be "changing lives to change the world," and in God's strength, I believe that goal was furthered.
So many memories! It's hard to realize that only a week ago, none of these things had happened. But, as always, here are a few of the highlights of my class in South Dakota.
Mount Rushmore! I got to check that one off my bucket list. It was pretty crazy to be finally staring at that mountain that you've seen in pictures, documentaries, books, etc. your whole life. But I did. And I did it with great friends. Blessed? Blessed.
Road-trippin'. Driving from Rapid City to Pierre with the team, we drove through the incredible Badlands, as well as stopping at Wall Drug. Too hard to explain. Just go.
I like South Dakota.
Bill Skit. As always. "Stalker...."~Johnny
Students. Boy, did we have some fun. Between some pretty passionate sessions of TP legislature and some furious frisbee games, we had a blast together. But beyond that, we got to know each other more and more through evening session sharing, rendezvous, and a night of prayer and talking. I left a little bit of my heart with you all in South Dakota. Keep loving Jesus.
Jesus. How blessed I am to have my best friend experiencing all of this with me. And even more, He is what makes it worth living. The gospel becomes more scandalous, more beautiful, and more needed every single day.
Hallelujah, all I have is Christ. Hallelujah, Jesus is my life!
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