
At Judicial, we focused on the Judicial branch of government and learned about what being a lawyer consists of by hearing teaching from real Liberty Law Professors, writing our own briefs, and participating in our own moot court tournament. But it wasn't as boring as it sounds! In between everything we competed for team points, watched skits about our Fact Pattern, talked deep over meals, played soccer/frisbee/basketball, ice-skated, skiied, rode in vans, had quiet times with God, worshiped in song, and more.

And of course, my other team for the week was my staff team. These people will hold a particularly special place in my heart for a long time, my last staff team. Tricia, Drew, Christian, Morgan, Mr. Williams, and Stephen - God put us all together so intentionally, and I couldn't be more grateful for the people He chose. You have continued to be a part of His plan to teach me so much. Tricia, thank you for your joy, the joy of the Lord, and for keeping your eyes fixed on the goal. Drew, you may be a complete genius, but I am grateful most of all for the humility and servant-leadership that permeates everything you do. Christian, your encouragement and sincere care and interest has meant more than you know, amigo. Morgan, your trilled "r's," gullibility, loving heart, and genuine friendship bless me so much. Mr. Williams, your vision and ability to enact that vision with love is something I hope I have learned from your example. Stephen, the way you call us to a higher standard and yet exude grace is a gift that has changed me. Press on, my friends.
I haven't finished processing this event, this season, or the last six years with TeenPact. More blog posts to come. But now that it is finished, I can do nothing but praise God. And I praise Him that I finished with TeenPact Judicial.
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