my curly blonde
This is the last Sunday blog post I will write with Rachel
sitting in the desk next to me. I can’t believe she’s leaving this Thursday. I
can’t believe it has been nearly three months already. The “90 day visa” that
we thought sounded like an eternity is approaching the time for renewal. Suddenly,
I’m realizing just how much time is left without this Rachel that has been such
a foundation for me.
Or remember the time you spent hours walking around the
Heavenly Temple with just your student, Sarah? She has been different since
that day; happier, and more secure. She felt true Love.
Rachel, you’ve taught me so much. I’ve learn so much about
love, beauty, compassion, adventure, and so much more.
“Make the world beautiful.” You said that in literally every
class you taught, didn’t you? You have encouraged these students to look at the
world around them and see people who are hurting. And then you’ve helped them
understand how to love those people. But I have had the privilege to see you do
that same thing outside the classroom, and outside the school. All those
friends in the market, the beggars on the street, the many people who have
gotten pictures with you, the random people you met outside the church, they
have all seen bits and pieces of the great love that is in you. That love
touches people, and with each person it touches, it makes the world more
We’ve done so many crazy things together. So many. We’ve
started writing them down, and at three full pages we’re nowhere near finished
yet. All those walks through Xidan, just happily going into any shop that
looked appealing, all those beautiful ideas like eating a meal with a beggar
that turned into reality, all those funny looks we’ve given each other when we
knew exactly what we were both thinking about something. Like all those times
you say something is your favorite… You have invested in me with all those deep
questions on the subway, with trying to understand my peculiarities, putting up
with my sarcasm, listening to my rants, and everything else. We thought we knew
each other at the beginning of this trip, but we had no idea what a comfort
could come from just being together for three months. Thank you for how you
have faithfully given me so much love.
But then you turn around, and I see you pour out that love
on everyone else around you as well. You took Class 1, the class that everyone
said was completely non-responsive and not smart, and you transformed it into
your “sunshine class” by bringing the sunshine of Love inside. They run to you
and love you so much now, and put on a whole party just for you. They felt true
You spent so many afternoons working with Tina and Rose in
Class 6 as they taught their favorite Chinese pop song. And now they feel so
special and valued because they felt true Love.
All the time you spent talking on the phone with George, or
sitting and talking with him about whatever you could think of on the weekends,
came only out of Love. I know that what he saw in Jimmy, he sees in you when he
feels that true Love.
And of course there’s Sally, who walked in literally as I
was typing this, who we’ve both decided is an angel. You saw something so
beautiful in her from the very beginning, and you invited her to drink tea with
you. Now, I know she loves you so much because she felt the true Love in you.
There are so many other stories, so many other people, so
many moments that I can’t recall as I write this, or that I am completely
unaware of.
You taught me that “love is giving yourself.” And when I
think of that, I think of you.
I will miss you so much, my dear friend. I will
miss singing
harmonies in the school showers, discovering how much we like our least
favorite foods, listening to you laugh at yourself and then follow it up
with “typical
Rachel moment,” making you do silly things like swing dancing in
square, eating three green tea ice cream cones between the two of us,
next to you while you journal and randomly look up and spout out some
brilliantly deep thought, teaching the students songs with your ukelele
in class, or taking a character quality that seems to have no
potential for a lesson and making it wonderful. Who will go buy
vegetables from
GuLi? Maybe I’ll have to start a cucumber diet like you.
The more I write, the less I feel like I have actually said.
Let me end simply with this: Rachel, I have seen true Love in you. Your story
has made mine better. You have made my world more beautiful.
I love you!
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