in His yoke
I have been unbelievably blessed by Dan and Sherry Camp, a
couple who has followed Jesus for decades and have now followed Him
from Peachtree City, GA to Beijing, China! I've stayed several weekends
with them during my time here, and they have been my true family here as
my big brother and big sister in Christ (and kind of a practical mom
and dad in China!). As much as I am so grateful for their warm house,
their comfortable guest bed, their french toast and grilled cheese
sandwiches, their chocolate birthday cake, their bottomless coffee, and
their constant optimism, what I am most grateful for is their love for
Jesus. They are wise and loving, truly filled with Christ as He lives
through them. Dan is a great writer, and this was a very
thought-provoking article he shared with me. Let it sink in!
In Jesus' Yoke Without Jesus
by Dan Camp
wanted to do more for God. I wanted to serve better and more. I was
already doing a lot, but something was missing. I thought the something
that was missing was more good works.
had not yet fully accepted the truth about Grace - that Jesus' work and
righteousness (His GIFT to me), had already made me totally pleasing to
my Heavenly Father. I had believed a bunch of half-truths that I was
just "positionally" okay; but that if I worked more, it would become
more real to me. It was already real in me and for me, but I was still in the dark...sort of.
was praying and my spiritual antenna started picking up a heavenly
broadcast. [Our spiritual senses are turned ON when we are born-again.
Yet another thing we don't know yet, but we gradually learn to rely on
our spiritual senses in our Grace-walk with Jesus.]
Jesus lovingly looked over at me and smiled. We were inside His Yoke together. He spoke first:
going to step out of My Yoke for a break, you know, a breather. I'll
be over there under that shade tree for a few minutes. Carry on if you
rose up in me with much excitement. This was my chance to impress my
Lord. He had been in His Yoke with me since my earliest memories of
being In Him. This was a first, and I really wanted to do well! I had
accepted His Saving Grace already, but I didn't yet know His Daily
Grace, His operating Grace...not really. If I had known it, I
would have followed Him to the shade tree. I would have stayed right
with Him. But, no, I stayed in His Yoke. I thought to myself, "I'm
going to break every record set before me. I'm going to give Peter and
Paul and John and even James a run for their money! Just watch this,
Lord Jesus!"
I began to try and to struggle and to strive with all my might to move
Jesus' Yoke. I huffed and I puffed. I worked up a big sweat. I pushed
and pulled from every angle. My muscles began to burn.
I could not move the Yoke.
I could not move the Yoke.
I could not move His Yoke.
was about to collapse when I noticed the Lord out of the corner of my
eye. He was chuckling to Himself, not really looking at me. But
shortly, He got up and started walking back over to me. He got back
into His Yoke with me without any comment. And off we went.
Jesus' Yoke was suddenly easy and light. The burden I had felt was immediately gone.
mental gears were spinning rapidly, and I was doing the math of this
Life lesson. Then I heard Him clear His voice, and I waited for what He
would say next.
You thought you were contributing a lot, didn't you?
It was very difficult, even embarrassing to reply:
Yes, Sir, and I was badly mistaken, wasn't I?
continued to digest what had just happened. He didn't seem the least
bit upset with me, or disappointed, or grieved that I had failed. There
seemed to be an air of relief about Him.
Then I was overwhelmed by a huge question - maybe the biggest and most revealing one I had ever faced:
If I was not really helping Him with His work, why in the world did He bother at all to have me there in His Yoke with Him?!
answered before I could even utter the words. He took the initiative.
He didn't let me grovel. He wanted me to know the truth about His
want to know why you're in My Yoke with me. You want to understand
fully. You are taking this lesson to heart and head. You're going to
cease striving, except between your ears. You have realized that the
only real "work" must be deciding to abide (John 15:4-5), striving to stay in Father's Rest (Hebrews 4:9-11), and letting Me work through you (Galatians 2:20) - not you, but Me for you, in you, and through you.
why didn't I just take you Home as soon as you were born-again?
Someone told you it was because I needed your help, right? Sorry about
that. That's not actually or biblically correct. You know, now. You
learned the hard way back there, by yourself in My Yoke.
So, why are you here with Me? Have you figured it out already? Have you wrapped your brain around the true answer?
I want you here with Me in My Yoke...because I enjoy your company.
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~
of us well-meaning Christians love others, but sometimes we don't
"like" others. We rest pretty easy in the Lord's command to love -
because He didn't say we had to like everyone.
use this illustration of our human relationships to make an important
point about the Yoke story. When we grasp the glorious Truth that
Jesus really likes us, in addition to loving us, everything
changes. We have caught Grace, and now, we can infect others. In fact,
we can really like others, too, because He is able to do it through us.
But liking and loving are results,
not the cause. Grace is the cause. The Law and all the commandments
are not causes. We have to get the cart out of the way of the horse.
The cart doesn't carry the horse, the cart follows behind.
When we embrace Grace, effects begin
to flow. We have a river of Life in us! The river overflows. Fruit
begins to happen! The Life of the Vine is in us, and we relax with God
and let Jesus live His Resurrection Life through us. And when we do,
all kinds of results begin to happen because we are in Christ and He is
in us... and He really enjoys our company!
of our favorite recent expressions is "being swept along," which we
have experienced literally in the last few months. You would not believe
where I am sitting right now, as I write this! I want you to really
take this story to heart. When you relax in His Yoke and begin to enjoy
His enjoyment of you, His delight in you, His true love of you, you will
be swept along by His transforming Life within you, and you will love
it! You will love Him like you did the first day that He saved you!
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