little speeches and little sisters
This week has been a crazy conglomeration of all sorts of random
things. Mostly, we’ve been preparing for the summer camp, and I’ve spent
several afternoons picking up my friends from the airport (yes!). But here are
just two little tidbits from the week.
My nine, sweet, Tibetan little sisters left on Saturday. The night before, I was hanging out with them
in the classroom while the decorated a whole chalkboard with a message for all
the volunteers. It reads, “We went home. We have too many things tell you. We
want to say thanks for always playing with us. These days we are very happy
with all the volunteers. We won’t forget you. We miss you.” The wrote the names
of all the volunteers who had spent time with them this year. I laughed when I
saw that mine was the only one they wrote in Chinese. It made me realize that
they’ve only ever called me by my Chinese name too… maybe they’ve never heard
my English name!
The ninth graders, who I worked with as eighth graders last year,
all graduated today! I gave a little speech, and here’s the English
Dear friends and students,
Today, you graduate from Dandelion School! You have lived here
three years, and I’ve lived here with you for a year and a half. In those three
semesters, I’ve seen your hard work. I’ve also seen how your teachers teach you
very important things. They teach you useful knowledge, but they all believe
that it’s most important to help you become useful, loving people. They believe
you can change the world, and I believe you can too. When you leave Dandelion,
don’t forget what you learned here about confidence, love, and gratefulness. I
am honored to have known you, and Dandelion is proud of you! Thank you!
Those are two tidbits from the week. Our summer camp starts on Wednesday, runs for ten days, and five days after it ends
I’ll be flying back to the U.S! I can’t believe how fast the time is counting
down, and I’m treasuring the moments!
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