packing it in

With ten days left of my year in China, things haven't started calming down at all. I'm currently in the middle of our ten day summer camp, preparing materials to teach lessons for nearly six hours a day! Because of that, I'm cramming in this post before trying to get a decent amount of sleep tonight. I haven't started packing my suitcase yet, but I have started packing in the memories.

 I've realized, and I'm continuing to learn, that the most beautiful memories generally take a bit of "sacrifice" to happen. For example, I might be sitting at my desk working on my own stuff, and then remember that there's a room full of students doing evening homework next door. I would have to get up and just go in there if I want the memories of being with them. So that's what I did last night. And I can guarantee you that the laughter and conversations that came from that hour of just spending time with those kids... I'll treasure that far more than a super elegant PowerPoint for the next day. 

And like every time I come to the end of an era, I am once again pondering the fact that every day is a countdown to something. No moments should ever be taken for granted or passed up. I'm so grateful for the ones I've taken. 

But in order to get myself to bed and give you something amazing to read, check out my precious students for yourself! We just started the Dandelion Access Program blog, and you can see their faces and read some of their writing at Dandelion Access Program - enjoy! 


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