never trump

With two days left, as headlines have been telling me that this will be a close race, I am compelled to speak. I want this election to be over. I'm sick of even talking about it, much less dedicating a week of my blog to the topic. But as an American and as a Christian, I cannot keep silent. This is for the many Christians who, despite their dislike of Trump, see no other legitimate choice for their vote. 

I understand the logic behind supporting Donald Trump for President. I am currently conservative and registered Republican. I adamantly value life in every stage, a factor which will never allow me to vote for Hillary Clinton while she promotes abortion. I understand that the next President will have a huge affect on the Supreme Court of the United States for years to come. I understand that Trump has run a successful business. I understand that people like to see someone talking straight instead of beating around the bush like the average politician. I understand that the average Trump supporter may see him as the only viable non-Clinton candidate. 

But I would humbly submit that Jesus would never vote for Donald Trump. 

Jesus valued the servant-hearted. Trump is proud of his own arrogance

Jesus interacted with women with respect and equality unparalleled in His day. Trump has self-proclaimed his disregard and sexual objectification of women, including disgustingly crude comments toward his female opposition. 

Jesus said to love our enemies. Trump jokes about shooting people and using nuclear weapons. He jokes about assaulting members of opposing political parties. He says he would like to punch protestors. 

Jesus broke down the wall of hostility between races. Trump happily stereotypes and insults Hispanics, African Americans, Muslims, and more. 

Trump is not pro-life; he will claim to be anti-abortion when it gets him more votes, but he devalues the life of anyone he doesn't like, including immigrants, lower class, and those who speak out against him. 

Still, some may hesitate, burdened by the prospect of Hillary as President, and convinced that Trump is the lesser of two evils. My friend Blake Adams responds:

"The difficulty with the 'lesser of two evils' argument (aside from the business of identifying which of two evils is in fact the lesser) is that it stands irrespective of persons. Trump receives support because with him comes a party platform that is (to some) substantially preferable to the alternative. The trouble is this sort of reasoning remains intact no matter the stench of the latest vomit. The candidate could be Caligula, but in the end voters will suffer the person for the party. 
There are no easy decisions here, but what would it take for a candidate like Trump to lose your vote? So long as he remains 'the lesser evil,' what would he have to do, how great a lesser evil must he become before any sign of support is reprehensible to conscience?  
Now ask, has he not done it already?"

As Christians in America, we have been labeled as bigots, hypocrites, racists, homophobic, judgmental, non-empathetic and proud. We fight these stereotypes and claim to be unfairly judged. But can we blame the non-Christian Left for drawing these conclusions when the Christian Right seems to unashamedly follow a man who embodies those very characteristics: bigot, hypocrite, racist, homophobic, judgmental, non-empathetic and proud?

Students at Liberty University spoke out against Donald Trump in their Op-Ed for the Washington Post, challenging the idea that a Republican-majority government is somehow worth supporting a candidate who is such an antithesis to Christ. 

"...we feel that too many in the church have been bitten by election-year hysteria. Since the birth of Christ, Christians have withstood far more serious trials and tribulations than we face today. First-century Christians faced coliseums filled with lions; today, American Christians face the possibility of a liberal Supreme Court. The Christian message of salvation through faith in Christ has prevailed despite actual threats, from actual tyrants, and it will continue to thrive no matter who is elected president in 2016. 
Trump is the antithesis of our values; there is no reason to revisit his vices here. Most non-Christians recognize Trump as amoral and self-centered. If we ignore this fact and buy in to his promise of strength, what will it tell the world about how seriously we Christians esteem our values? 

If we allow fear to make us choose a candidate who embodies what we oppose, we allow fear to win the day. Fear should never decide elections; as Christians, we believe that values should. We encourage everyone to take their conscience with them into the voting booth. Vote for your values, not against your fears." 

Our loyalty lies first to Jesus before America. We are citizens of the kingdom of Heaven far before the United States. Thus, we must submit even our votes to the authority of Jesus. Do we trust God enough to vote according to His values, even if it means we are unsure of the future? Or are we so afraid of the Democratic party that we will stand in support of a man who could hardly be more different from Jesus of Nazareth? 

I will not claim to know who Jesus would vote for, or if Jesus would even vote. I personally recommend Evan McMullin for your vote as a man of humility and conscience. But all I ask is that you seriously consider how Jesus would act, who He would support, and what He is speaking into your heart at this very moment. 

We know how the story ends. We know that no matter what, the kingdom of God has already conquered and that Jesus will be victorious in the last day. So do not vote in fear, vote in faith, doing everything for the glory of God. 

I do not want Hillary Clinton to be President. But more than that, I do not want to see Donald Trump in the White House, speaking on behalf of America, making a fool of this country, insulting, dehumanizing, and demeaning everyone he dislikes, and crediting his power to the votes of America's Christians. 

I do not know what Jesus would do. But I humbly believe we can conclude what he would not do. 

Never Trump. 

Trump supporters: I say all this because I feel I must, though many people I love and respect have already cast their vote for Trump. I do not judge or look down on these friends of mine, but my conscience causes me to use the remaining days I have in the hopes of speaking to a few undecided voters and causing them to think again. As I respect your opinion even though I strongly disagree, I ask you to respect my opinion as well. Feel free to comment below, but let's interact in the love that Jesus calls us to.


  1. In response to your contention that Jesus would never vote for Trump, I'd like to point out that I'm 100% confident that Jesus would never have voted for anyone. Jesus, even during his time on earth, never engaged in anything that resembled politics. The one time that he did offer what could be considered a political opinion, it was to urge people to abide by the laws of an existing govenment, which was anything but morally upright. (Render to Ceaser the things that are Ceaser's). I think it's very important to keep religion, of all varieties separated from govenment to some extent. Donald Trump is a truely terrible person, on a lot of levels. But it's unfair to tell someone that it's immoral or contrary to their religion to vote for a person who may be the closest to their political beliefs.

    Please note that this comes from a devout Christian who isn't voting for Trump :)

  2. Hi friend, thanks for reading. I've actually been really curious about the idea of whether Jesus would vote at all. I've heard that opinion from a lot of people lately, but I don't really understand the implications of it. People who call themselves "Christian" make up a huge portion of the votes, and it seems irresponsible to throw away that opportunity for influence. What are your thoughts?


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