resting with jesus
This morning, I slept in
as long as I wanted, and then rolled out of bed at my Grammy's house down by
the lake. I put on a sweater, grabbed my Bible and journal, and curled up in a
patio chair where I could just be with Jesus for a while.
Be with Jesus.
Many of
you know that the word "with" has become one of the dearest words to
me. A few years ago I wrote an in-depth
explanation of the importance of this word, and it has only
become more beautiful to me since then. In short, I've come to realize that
being with God, with the Father, with Jesus, with the
Spirit, is the most important thing - more important than doing things for God
or getting things from God. The entire narrative of history, the entire story
of the Bible, is of God creating people to be with Him, them
rejecting Him, and Him pursuing them to bring them back to be with Him.
The very name of the long-awaited Messiah is Immanuel -
with-us God. Jesus' final prayer before his arrest was speaking of us:
"Father, I desire that they also, whom you have given me, may be with
me where I am." (John 17:24)
But what does that mean?
How can we actually be with God? It's one thing to mentally assent to the truth
that God is with us. But if you're anything like me, that mental assent doesn't
make it very real. There's no way I feel like I'm with God like I'm with
another human. At least, it didn't feel that way until recently. Through
this teaching from
Bridgetown Church, and through the book Seeing is Believing by
Greg Boyd, I have learned an absolutely transformative and beautiful way to be with
Jesus, for real. I'd honestly recommend the podcast or the book way more than
this blog post. These teachers call it "imaginative prayer," but put
simply it just means allowing the Holy Spirit to use our mind's ability to
create images in the same way we recall memories or daydream up possible
events. In the same way, with a foundation in the knowledge of Scripture, I can
close my eyes and imagine that Jesus is beside me wherever I am. It feels like
I'm making it up, but I know that it is actually true, that Jesus
actually is beside me, in me, all around me. I can sit with
him and just enjoy the silence together, like I do with a close friend. Or I
can ask Him questions. Or I can pour out the emotions of my day and watch his
face as I speak.
Most important is to stop
and just rest with Jesus. A huge block for many Christians is the constant need
to try harder, to do more for God, to prove that we're good enough
or humble enough or active enough or diligent enough. There is more and more
talk in Christian circles about "enjoying God," but it seems that few
people really do because we're caught up in doing more and trying harder. The
teachers I've learned from lately cannot emphasize enough the importance
of resting in Christ. Doing nothing, just sitting in his
presence, picturing his pleasure in being with you. Maybe neither of you say
anything. This is essential for our souls because it reinforces the truth that God
wants to be with us, enjoys us, desires us, and loves us enough to want to
simply rest with us. And even if we don't fully believe it, just picturing
it can begin to help.
There is so much more I
want to say and share about how transformative this practice has become for me
in just the past few weeks. It is so different to actually feel like I
have memories with Jesus, I've re-experienced memories with Him, I've seen His
smile as I ask Him questions, I've seen His broken heart in His eyes as I tell
Him where my life hurts. Some days more than others, I still feel like Wait,
am I just making this up? But I go back to Scripture. I go back to
the things I know He has said, and I imagine Him saying
them to me. If you want to know who He says you are, here is a small list (scroll
down to "Believers are:"). Just pick a few that seem hard to
grasp or believe and imagine Jesus speaking them to you. It might take a
long time to really believe it, but that's okay. It is true,
and eventually you will believe Him when He says it!
But I
cannot say all I want to here tonight. More than anything, I urge you to listen
to the podcast teaching or
read the book that
I just finished. I really believe there is nothing more important than
being with God, and I'm learning that it is
not just important, it is wonderful. He is wonderful.
YES!! This is so good and so true. Thanks for writing, Shelby!