a lenten prayer for mercy
Father, I have sinned,
By what I have done,
And by what I have left undone.
Oh, so much left undone.
I have not loved you with my whole heart.
I have not loved my neighbor as myself.
I have not loved my enemy.
I have not shared my food with the hungry.
I have not sheltered the homeless.
I have not clothed the naked.
I have hidden myself from my own flesh and blood.
I have turned my eyes from the world’s tear-streaked faces.
I have shut my ears to the cries of the wounded.
I have closed my hands around my own comfort.
I have walked away from the call to freedom.
But you are the same God,
Who always delights in showing mercy,
Who is compassionate and gracious,
Who abounds in steadfast love.
I am torn as I cry for mercy.
Not that I may live in peace,
But that I may have strength to fight.
Not to balm a guilty conscience,
But to have courage to face my guilt.
Not to gently rock my soul to sleep,
But to shake me awake for good.
Father, show me mercy
Only if that mercy
conforms me to you.
Father, grant me peace
Only if that peace
captivates me with you.
Lord, have this mercy upon me.
Christ, have this mercy upon me.
Lord, have this mercy upon me.
Lamb of God,
who takes away the sin of the world,
Forgive me
from consumption to service
from apathy to passion
from lukewarmth to fire
from fear to love.
Almighty God,
To whom all hearts are open,
Open mine wider,
That I may perfectly love you,
Fully know you,
Urgently serve you,
Willingly follow you,
Faithfully trust you,
Diligently find you in all those you have made.
Lord, in your mercy,
Hear my prayer.
inspired by the liturgy of the holy eucharist in the anglican church and by isaiah 58.
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