year as an R.A., perhaps the biggest lessons I have learned are about myself.
I’ve heard the exhortation “Know yourself” for years, understood that it is
probably important, but have never really known where to start. After our tragedy this
summer, I knew I couldn’t just live in the status quo of my low self-awareness
and self-love. Many people reminded me over the summer that I didn’t have to
take the position, that it might be good to take the year easy. But I wanted to
be an R.A., despite feeling emotionally and mentally unprepared, because I
didn’t want to walk this journey alone. I wanted a team, and I wanted a dorm –
both places I wanted to turn into places of safety. The R.A.D., the dorm, and
Kelly have been God’s biggest ways of loving me this year.
R.A.D. team has been central to encouraging me to keep going, and keep being honest,
even as I have chosen to dive into myself, mostly by their example. It started
honestly when I showed up for SLO-Week in tears, heart-breaking saying goodbye
to my mom, and knowing that they all saw those tears. Then each of their levels
of honesty, each testimony, each meltdown, each tear that I witnessed was
reminder after reminder that feeling is beautiful, and people are beautiful
when they are real in their suffering. What they may have seen as their weaknesses, I saw as their strengths. I have felt so safe with them, treasuring
our times together in a cabin at Qwanoes, in Kelly’s apartment, on ferries,
hiking to lighthouses, around bonfires, singing the doxology. The only way I
could grow to know myself more this year was to be surrounded by people who
made me feel safe; I’m so grateful to this team for being those people.
dorm has been another place of safety. They made me feel safe by making me feel
wanted but not needed. I felt safe to go be alone, go dig into the depths of my
soul, knowing that if I wasn’t ready to be an “R.A.” again for a few days, they
would be okay. They would support each other. And they would be happy to see me
when I came back. They prayed for me, challenged me to vulnerability through
their own example, and loved me through every love language. In this year of
stripping away a lot of outer layers, I was left without the creative power or
emotional capacity to do new or uncomfortable things. But they willingly
followed me through dorm meetings that were different than perhaps what they
had expected - meeting Jesus more often than meeting boys, studying the Bible
more than playing games. They joined me in my place of comfort, and made our
whole dorm a haven of safety.

Kelly has been a lighthouse in the storm, a stream in the desert, a voice
calling out in the wilderness, “Prepare the way for the Lord.” She has shown me
the beauty of a heart that feels deeply. She has given me courage to take the
lids off my suppressed emotions. She has called out the Shelby that I am
underneath the perfectionism, self-doubt, and self-protective walls. She has
filled my jar with marbles. She has assured me through her actions that even as
I fight to know God and know myself and everything feels like a shaking fog, I
am not forgotten. She has been with me, and in that been like Christ. She has become a sister.
The team and dorm given to me this year have given me the safety and love that I so badly needed to begin facing the depths of my own soul. Because of you, I know myself more, and because of you, I know God more. I am so grateful.
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