mountain liturgies

Often, Jesus went up on a mountain to be alone or to come somehow closer to God. He sometimes took a few disciples for moments of incredible teaching, or to see the glory of God. He sometimes climbed up away from the crowds. But he would always come back down, back to the crowds, to touch and to heal and to know.

I started considering how my time alone with God can be so often jumbled up with the time spent in all other aspects of my life, distracted by thoughts of what's going on around me. I often wish I could climb up a mountain to get away. Instead, I decided to create a little liturgy to use for metaphorically climbing up and away from the daily details, into the intentional time carved out to be with God.

But Jesus' example has also reminded that I cannot stay up on that mountain. Like Jesus, my aim should be to come back down to live and love among the image-bearers who fill the valley. So I decided to create a liturgy that can bring me back from my time with God into intentional, purposeful time with everyone else.

Here are the liturgies:

A liturgy for going up the mountain

I have climbed up, away from the crowds, to be with you.
I have sought out this lonely place to be alone with you.
Show me your glory. 
Teach me your ways.
Fix my eyes on you.
Help me to pray. 
I have come only and all because I want you.
Come Holy Spirit.

A liturgy for going down the mountain

I am climbing down, back to the crowds, to be with you.
I will seek out the lonely people, the least and the lost. 
Show me your image in each person.
Teach me to love and be loved. 
Fix my eyes on you, even in the most unexpected places. 
Help me to be. 
I am going with you and to know you more. 
Let's go, Holy Spirit. 


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