2018 to 2019

 Reflecting on 2018, I am grateful for so many things.

I'm grateful to have begun the year on Pender Island, hearing Jesus call me deeper.

I'm grateful to have served as a 2017-2018 Douglas RA alongside this team. 
I am grateful for my 2017-2018 dorm, 2/3 Upper, that blessed me more than I could have imagined. 

I'm grateful to have gone to Dad's favorite lighthouse at the 1-year anniversary of losing him.

I'm grateful for slack-lining and being a Jedi.

I'm grateful for a week spent with this family this summer, and so many days all year. 
I'm grateful for spending the summer with these three.

I'm grateful for this sisterhood.

I'm grateful for a CF team that knows something about "fellowship"...

I'm grateful to work with this team in Fraser for the 2018-2019 year.

I'm grateful to have shown my sister around my stomping grounds.

I'm grateful to have lived the fall of 2018 with these three.

And so 2018 is coming to a close, and 2019 is about to begin. A few of my varied goals include: 

- continue to learn the language of emotions 
- learn to shoot and develop film
- publish a book 
- finish memorizing the Sermon on the Mount
- create a Hebrew Workshop 
- be gentle with myself

But as I enter 2019, I pray that I will open up my hands and let go, giving myself entirely to the love of God, and building my life solely upon that firm foundation. 


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