oceanlike God

I've often thought about how the ocean, in many ways, is like God. I'm in Kaua'i this week volunteering on a work site with Habitat for Humanity, and as I ate my lunch with a few of my team members sitting on the bumper of one of our rented vans, I asked them how they thought the ocean resembled God. Their answers were so different than what I had already considered, and it inspired me to start asking more and more of my team members throughout the week thus far. Here are some of our thoughts.

Huge. Essentially infinite. It would be ridiculous to think that we have fully explored, fully grasped, or fully understood the depths of the ocean. We could swim around it in our entire lives and barely have broken the surface. How much more is it preposterous to think that we could have anything close to a grasp on God, the infinite creator? There is an absolutely never-ending mystery in God, and we can never claim to know it any more than we can know the ocean.

Powerful. There is nothing we can do to control the ocean. Its power surpasses anything humanity can create. It will do what it wills. God too is so outside of our power, and nothing has the power to stop him.

Shaping. Just as the ocean's powerful, steady waves slowly transform landscapes, God's waves of love and power slowly transform us.

Providing. The ocean is a source of life; it contains so much life within it, and it provides for the livelihoods of so many. It gives, and yet also takes away.

Waves. Standing at the edge, we often find that just like the ocean, we experience God in waves. Sometimes the rush of God is overwhelming, and then other times it feels very dry.

Controlling. This is perhaps the hardest for me to embrace, but entering deeper into the ocean means surrendering control. Just this week, the first time I got in the ocean, I was quickly reminded that I was losing control as the waves seemed to pull me against my will. It frightened me, and I fought my fears as I fought my way back to shore. As much as I hate the idea of losing my control, I know that I must. Holding onto control and trying to dive into God is like diving into the ocean and being angry at the power of the waves.

Joyful. We play in the water. We can find utter joy in the presence and saturation of God.

And I continue to see more and more parallels.

But this morning, as I considered the vastness and power and absolute other-ness of the ocean, I was struck by the profundity that this giant, massive, awesome Being we call God... knows... me?

Can you imagine: what if the ocean, with its worldwide waves and unknown depths - what if the ocean knew your name?

And this Being, the creator of the infinite waters and untouched lands and galaxies and universes - this God knows you.

I am in awe!


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