grad poems

these walls 
these hard plastic chairs 
the hum of the fluorescent lights 

the security guard is locking up 
asks what I’m still doing here 
alone in a big classroom
“just thinking” 
he says I can stay
just lock up behind me 

about this place 
how I feel part of it 
how I see my fingerprints 
on every door handle 

these walls have witnessed 
my world reshaped 
my mind rekindled
my heart revealed 

despite the boredom
the complaints
the annoyances 
the bad classes 
the hard markers 
the challenges 
despite it all 
or from it all
I grew 

here I asked a thousand questions 
and received less answers 
and more questions in return
the questions were the answers 

these stairwells 
these hallways 
we know each other 
they say I’m ready 
they’re sending me out

but I don’t think I’ll ever fully leave 



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