oh wild soul
In learning to know and understand myself, there are definitely twists and turns in the journey. As a bit of a perfectionist, when I find something I don’t understand about my own feelings, reactions, or mood, I can get very frustrated with myself. I’m learning to be gentle, gentle with myself, and stop jumping to the shoulds and should-nots rather than simply listening to what my inner voice is trying to say. Sometimes it’s saying something beautiful, and that is what I tasted this week, documented in this poem.
Taking a deep breath brought a wave of emotion, a threatening wall of tears I couldn’t label with reasons.
I grabbed for paper
to write out my feelings
and hope to find explanations
for the turmoil.
But in the moments
of opening my journal
and clicking open my pen,
a bird flew by
that made me smile;
I heard the thrush
of woodland creatures;
I watched the tender movements
of the breeze
and sighed a sigh
of deep contentment
and peace.
And I laughed at myself.
Oh soul,
what a strange and beautiful place you are.
How utterly mysterious
that a place can feel
so unknown,
so undiscovered,
so foreign,
and yet that place is me
and none other than me.
I am learning;
but still most often
oh soul
you feel like a vast ocean
stormy one moment, calm the next,
or a wild animal
unpredictable but fascinating
or perhaps most often like a child
crying one moment, laughing the next
and struggling to communicate
where it came from.
In those moments I struggle,
hating the nebulous,
frustrated with uncertainty
or irrationality
or weakness.
But some moments I remember
I love the ocean
its depth and force
I love wild animals
in powerful freedom
I love children
for their truth and trust.
And so, my soul
keep being
as I learn to love you
in all your moments.
You are a masterpiece,
my soul;
may I open my eyes wider
to see you more.
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