the process, pt. one
I was hesitant to post this poem because I was afraid people would get worried about me, like I’m losing my faith. But honestly I have nothing else to say. Let it be. I’m journeying into deeper feeling and deeper honesty in the wake of death and tragedy, and I still long to believe in a God who welcomes that. The God of Psalm 22. So here is honesty.
I sit here in the morning sun
Flowers blooming
Birds chirping
Blue sky
And I scowl at the sky
Disgusted by the birds
Angry at every flower
What is this God?
What kind of cruel joke?
How can you who makes
Beautiful things
Allow this?
How can the God of perfection
Bide his time
While tragedy and misery
Run rampant below?
You can do anything,
And you’re choosing this?
What kind of God are you?
I have felt your intimacy before
I have trusted you before
I have said “It is well”
So many times
But this morning it feels
Like a slap in the face
Like I don’t really know you at all
Beautiful things make the hurt worse because the one we love is not here to enjoy it with us. We feel robbed of their living presence. God continues to make beauty in a world that sometimes ignores it. He still loves us deeply. He is still there and providing for us. We just aren't ready in our hearts to recieve..