on an old garment

I'm finding that it's hard to articulate where I'm at in any given moment emotionally, spiritually, mentally, intellectually. Usually whatever I can articulate is already old news, often almost obsolete. This poem is from two weeks ago, and I'm only brave enough to share it because things keep moving, I keep moving. And I hope it will help anyone else who feels this way to feel less alone. 

lying awake.
I can only run
so long. 

it’s all coming apart. 
unraveling faster than I can grasp. 

hope was a rope
that used to hold me,
used to comfort and soothe me. 

but now hope is a thread,
the final remnant 
for a little longer
that I watch 
in resignation. 

my mind is in knots 
I can’t untangle.

my heart is wearing thin,
tearing holes,

does it all just have to go?
I can’t sew a new patch 
on an old garment.


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