to an Iranian friend

today I’m bombarded by headlines 
told tales of two countries 
about to blow 
two countries 
volatile and vengeful
two countries
yours and mine. 

and I can’t help but think of you
peaceful woman 
and how we are more alike than different 
more alike than our governments 
more alike than we’re led to believe.

my country has made bad choices 
and so has yours
but they weren’t my choices 
and they weren’t yours.

we grew up much the same
playing with toys on the living room floor
hearing names on the TV 
believing what we were taught.
and now that we’re older 
we can define “ideology” 
we sense transparencies 
in the wall between us. 

dear friend 
we must see each other 
we must not lose sight of our bond
while the higher-ups hate and hurt.
we must believe 
that there are more of us
than them
until we live in a world 
that refuses to kill
a friend. 


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