who I want to be

Two of my classes are over and I moved into a basement suite all alone, so I feel like I'm transitioning into a new season of life. Nothing dramatic, but different. I'm finding that I have more time to think and consider and be, and that time has caused me to stop and evaluate what I'm doing, where I'm going, and who I'm becoming. Not the big things like career or faith, but the small things. The things that could easily fall to the wayside if not given a routine dose of intentionality. The one degree shifts that can land you on an entirely different trajectory. I'm thinking about who I want to be. In writing up the following statements, I purposefully avoided negatives like "I don't want to..." or "Who doesn't" and instead focused on the dream.

I want to be someone who is multilingual. Who finds ways to incorporate hard-earned languages into my life and works at maintaining and using them (particularly Spanish, Mandarin, Hebrew, and Greek).

I want to be someone who cares for my body. Who feeds myself well and thinks of myself well and gets out and moves around well.

I want to be someone who pauses. Who takes time to savor life and seek out the beauty in stillness and simplicity.

I want to be someone who reflects. Who introspects and questions and probes and journals and grows.

I want to be someone who makes my bed. Who enjoys thoroughly and gratefully the space I call home.

I want to be someone who dares. Who asks "Why not?" Who makes big moves and tries big things.

I want to be someone who reads. Who meets friends in the pages and gleans from stories and experiences I would never know but for soaking them in through another's words.

I want to be someone who writes. Who is willing and able to put my heart vulnerably on the page in the hopes that others will not only see me but see a piece of themselves.

I want to be someone who plays. Who makes music and explores forests and scores goals and laughs.

I want to be someone who cherishes. Who chooses not to hide from pain but to lets it deepen my soul.

Who do you want to be?


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