thanksgiving moments



It's Thanksgiving weekend here in Canada, and it has me thinking about the things I'm grateful for. As I thought, I realized that so many of them are moments, not things. 



I'm grateful for the moment alone on a paddle board, staring into the eyes of a seal whose head popped out of the water, meeting each other in a sacred gaze, being alive in the same world and the same moment. 

I'm grateful for the moment after changing Remi's diaper when instead of running out to play, he climbed in my lap on the bathroom floor and we sang songs until dinner. 

I'm grateful for the moment I spent watching a woolly orange and black caterpillar wiggle its way past my door, just wondering what life would be like in that little form, wondering where she is going. 

I'm grateful for the moment when the tears welling in the eyes of a friend on my couch tells us both that there is something deep and beautiful making its way to the surface. 



I'm grateful for the moment at the brewery talking about life with a carpenter who loves to share about everything from religion to race cars. 

I'm grateful for the moment when my fingers started typing faster as I finally knew what I wanted to write in my thesis chapter, breathing deeply in satisfaction.

I'm grateful for moment where I ended up doing a silly dance with a stranger in the grocery store aisle as we tried to maintain two meters of distance, laughing and joking from behind our masks.

I'm grateful for the moment around the thanksgiving meal tonight, surrounded by friends with open hands, singing the doxology in as many harmonies as we can muster, smiling at each other through the candlelight. 

I'm grateful for the moments of surprise, hope, anticipation, amazement, and wonder. I'm grateful for life.


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