Twenty-twenty. The year that none of us expected, the year whose name we think will live on in history books, the year that has rocked the world in so many ways.
And yet, as I look through my year - whether by turning the pages of my journal, scrolling the photos on my camera roll, or reliving precious memories - I am overwhelmed by all the goodness 2020 held. Here are just a few of the beautiful moments and faces that made this year - despite everything - one of the best.
I spent a lot of solitary Sabbath days with a donut, a coffee, and a cozy minivan by the water.
A small group of friends became like family. We called each other the Fab 5, and we spent so many evenings together doing everything from living room dance parties to poetry sharing to Star Wars puzzles and more. They have become some of my most cherished people. |
My roommate-turned-friend and I had lots of adventures, including my first hitch-hiking experience on Bowen Island! |
These sweet boys (Remi here, Milo below) and their family continue to be some of the most special people in my life. Words can't describe how much I love every moment I got to spend with them this year, even more so as I nannied them a few days a week, and then got to be their quarantine family during Covid. So many laughs, so many songs, so many I love yous. |
And of course, life isn't just happy moments. I love this photo because it was snapped in a moment that normally isn't caught on camera - trying to help the boys through a melt-down or big emotion. It has been the biggest honor to play that role in their little lives, and I'm sure I've learned even more than they have about getting through hard things together. |
Having Macaela visit and explore BC with me was so much fun. There is no bond like a sister. |
Thankful for another year of my friends and family joining whole-heartedly in my identity as Rey. ;)
Covid quarantine wasn't so bad with a roommate and a province like this! |
May the 4th was more epic than ever with my buddies/padawans celebrating with me. |
On the 3rd anniversary of losing Dad - when I was unable to go home due to Covid - my friends all came around me.
Jozy Keller was born, and she has had us all wrapped around her finger from day one. |
I loved spending hours with Soph and Pen and forgetting that I am an "adult." There's nothing like a bunch of wood and fallen trees and a creek to inspire the most incredible imaginary adventures.
I took a big step this year by opening up publicly about my faith journey. I have been overwhelmed by the amount of messages, calls, notes, and conversations I've had where people have said, "Yes, me too." It has been scary to step out of the known into uncertainty, but I am convinced that building a settlement in the land of the middle ground may be the only way forward for our culture and our faith.
This family has become my family, and I couldn't be more grateful. |
Got a couple more hikes in this year! British Columbia is too beautiful not to explore.
I went further north than ever to visit this beautiful friend!
This friend and I spent the summer writing letters to each other, and it was an incredibly meaningful and powerful experience. I am grateful for her passion and artful embrace of life and pain and beauty. Check out! |
Still slacklining.
Finally got the paddleboard I've been dreaming of for years. I loved sitting with my counselor when she pointed out that so many seemingly unrelated things in my life - slacklining, paddleboarding, staff-spinning, Star Wars - are united by balance. And for someone whose motto was "off balance" for a long time, I found it so profound and full-circle. |
Yes, I have still been doing a Master's in Biblical Studies! One of the most exciting parts of the process has been finding ways to share what I'm learning with a broader audience, including my friend Claire's high school classroom. It was a privilege to get to teach and answer questions from these thoughtful, curious students.
One more because I love them so much. |
My nephew Bjarke was born! I finally got to meet him just this month, and I can't wait to know him as he grows. I love you little boy!
After a year of being unable to cross the border, it is so good to be home with this people. Christmas has been simpler this year and I haven't seen all the many people I would love to, but it has meant more time with just us, and I wouldn't trade that for the world.
 | I watched a lot of clouds this year, but what makes them most beautiful is the people who I get to watch them with.
So 2020 has been a gift. I have grown and changed and settled into myself in ways I couldn't have imagined. I've learned to soak in my life and live in the moment more than ever. I've continued letting go of my self-imposed rules and instead given myself grace to be imperfect and human. I've begun relationships that have amazed and taught me so much already. I couldn't be more excited for all that's to come in 2021. Life is fragile indeed, but it is a gift. It is such a gift. |
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