not pictured

 remi and milo

I love all these snapshots

of our laughter 

and games 

and play

I love your faces 

but what I love even more 

are the moments not pictured 

wiggling your toes 

holding your hands in the street 

singing in the car 

hearing your big angry feelings 

helping guide them 

hugging and letting you go again 

your questions about cars 

fears of dirty hands 

laughter at the silliest things  

photos can’t capture 

the way you feel in my lap 

or waking you up from a nap 

I will never forget 

the first time you 

said my name 

took a step 

sang the alphabet 

remembered my favorite color 

understood sadness 

you will grow up 

and life will change

I won’t always be 

just nine minutes away 

but these moments are engraved

on the depths of my heart 

and I will keep you there 



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