faith nowadays

my faith nowadays 

is a wave of the sea 

blown and tossed by the wind 

this way and that

this way in churches 

where we talk about Jesus 

without definitions 

or questions

that way in bed at night 

facing questions 

in the dark 

ebbing and flowing

constantly moving 

never still enough to capture

in a statement 

my faith nowadays 

is a forest 

born of countless seeds

of countless moments 

in countless soils 

all bearing fruit 

of one kind or another 

one kind bitter 

flavored with fear

and frustration

another sweet 

filled with possibility 

the trees change

the soils change 

the fruits change

as time goes on

my faith nowadays 

is a narrow path 

a tightrope of nuance and tension 

and a wide path

or no path at all 

just a journey worth taking 

through the forest

to the sea


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