What a year. Twenty-twenty-one held so much; going through the photos blew me away as I remembered moment after moment of beauty, joy, meaning, friendship, and love. I am so grateful.
I spent the first 2 weeks of 2021 in quarantine in BC, getting started on the final elements of my MA Thesis.
Lucky for friends who came to visit me in quarantine, among so many other things they've done for me. |
Nannying these two boys continued to be one of my greatest joys.
Long-distance relationships are no joke, especially with closed borders between countries. But we made it work with lots of FaceTime, and with this crazy visit at Peace Arch Park - a park right on the border where we could both go. It happened to be the coldest week of the year! |
Climbing became one of my favorite hobbies in BC!
I defended my MA Thesis online, right in my own little basement. Thank you to the many who came to watch virtually, to the panel of professors, and to my invaluable supervisor, Dr. Andrew Perrin. |
My sweet friends threw me a surprise thesis-completion party, complete with a piñata named "Patriarchy" that we collectively smashed. |
Weekly time means so much, and walking through life with this dear friend continues to bless us both. |
Moved home and graduated virtually! Shelby Bennett, M.A. Biblical Studies.
I got to travel to North Carolina to watch my cousin graduate high school and spend special time with relatives that are rarely all in one place!
Still a jedi. |
My friend Kristen moved to Portland, and fellow Dandelion teacher Andreas came to visit, so Nate and I got to show them both the beauties of Oregon!
In summer, I started really getting to know Nate's precious girls. They are magic.
First and last time I will ever post about a kitchen gadget in my year highlights... but this pineapple slicer satisfied something so deep in me (haha). |
During the summer, I co-coordinated six weeks of Kids' Camp through The Canby Center, the organization my sister works for and my mom helped found! |
Zoo adventures with the crew.
Summer is, without question, the most wonderful time of the year. I loved paddle-boarding days with Jasmine and Macaela.
Took a lovely trip back to BC and got to stay in this unbelievable home! |
Special time with two of my favorite people!
Soaking up every minute I can with the Keller clan when I visit BC.
A magical evening watching jet-skiiers and enjoying the summer's golden hour. |
Amongst the many joys, there is always sorrow. As grandpa faded from life, we visited and sang and told old stories, hoping he could still hear us. |
We'll always miss you, Grandpa.
With the help of incredible talented and generous friends, we produced a short video for churches and small groups addressing the question "Is the Bible Good for Women?" See it here! |
Got to watch Carolyne and Brady get married, and spend time with some of my Solid Seven. |
Joined my childhood best friend back where we most loved to be: doing gymnastics. Hoping to find ways to make this more regular in 2022! |
There's no end of fun with this guy. :) |
Got to walk around PSU - Nate's alma mater and Macaela's campus!
Hunting for the perfect tree. |
I love him!
My sister Destiny is now the mother of my two nephews, Bjarke and Alarek! |
We ended the year with a trip to the beach, grateful for how far we have all come together.
Farewell and thank you, 2021. Welcome 2022; I can't wait for what's in store. |
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