falling in love with a father


Most people have the joy of watching their husband become a father. I’ve watched a father become my husband. 

Today, the girls and I sat around the art table in the garage, working on each of our Father’s Day cards for our favorite guy. 

I told the girls that when I was first getting to know their dad and wondering if I should maybe marry him, the thing that made me fall in love with him most was how wonderful he was as a dad. 

“What does it mean to fall in love?” Lucy asked. 

I thought about it for a second. She teased me for not knowing. Then I said, “I think it’s when your heart wants to help someone, support someone, and always be with someone. Yes. I think it’s when you always want to be with someone.” 

I’m so glad I’ll get to be with him always, so soon. Nothing has built my trust, love, and respect for him more than witnessing how he prioritizes, encourages, uplifts, comforts, guides, and adores his girls. Happy Father’s Day, my love!


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