wedding week

 A week from now, I’ll be married. 

In the car with the girls today, Nate asked me how it felt to be getting married this week. The question was really more for the girls than for me. 

I said it was surreal, knowing I’d have to explain what “surreal” means. I said, “It’s something I’ve been dreaming about my whole life, and I can’t believe it’s actually happening. And I’m really happy.” 

So much of this does feel so surreal. I can hardly believe in going to be the one standing up front, the one saying the vows, the one putting on a band of gold. 

But it’s not all surreal. When I look over next to me at the man in the driver’s seat, I know it’s real. I feel the unknown future ahead of us. I feel the security of his presence. I feel the certainty of his character. 

Probably even the wedding itself will feel surreal. But I’m grateful for something: I’ll get to spend those most surreal moments staring into the blue eyes of the one I’ve chosen. I’ll get to feel his hands in mine. And that is the best, realest feeling of all. 


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