choked up

I never used to be a cry-er; people used to tease me about how I could watch the saddest movies and not cry. I thought of myself that way for a long time. But somewhere along the way that changed; I think that harder outer shell wore away. I cry pretty often now; Pixar movies, significant days, stress, joy. 

A few moments that choked me up recently that I didn’t expect: 

Driving with just me and the girls, listening and singing along to our playlist we made called “Girls Party Music,” belting out the lyrics of “Party in the USA,” I suddenly couldn’t sing anymore. 

The same thing happened a few days later when all four of us were in the car singing “Circle of Life” at the top of our lungs. 

And just yesterday, the girls were on the swings ride at the county fair. I ran around trying to get the best pictures, but finally I stopped to just try to take a mental picture. Both their faces smiling and screaming, loving every second of the ride.  And I choked up. 

All these times, I think it just hit me that we’re really doing it. We’re really living life, giving a childhood to our children, one they’ll remember the lyrics to just like we did. These are the days they’ll look back on just like I look back on mine. We get the chance to shape their childhoods, and I love how we’re doing it. We were given such good childhoods to build from. We are so lucky. 


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