When 2022 started, I knew much of what it would hold. I knew we’d be getting engaged soon and married soon after that. I knew I’d become a stepmom. I knew that while there would be hardship, 2022 would be one of the best years of my life. And it was.
Started off the year with a good old round of COVID |
Zinnia turned 3! |
We slowly but surely (with help) remodeled our kitchen - it was so worth it! |
Lucy started soccer and had a blast! |
We got engaged! |
After lots of searching, we found the perfect dress. |
We celebrated Easter as the almost-Hanson family. |
Star Wars Day with new (slightly confused) padawans |
Summer arrived in all of its backyard splendor |
Jasmine - the last Bennett - graduated from high school. Congratulations!! |
So many amazing friends and family came to help put in the most beautiful, meaningful, perfect wedding at home. |
July 9, 2022 - As long as we both shall live.
We honeymoon-road-tripped to California and back - life with your best friend is a dream!
Then we settled into life as a family of four. Summertime meant daily walks/adventures as a girl clan while Daddy worked, and we loved it. |
Lucy turned 7! |
Hanson family trip to Great Wolf Lodge! |
The girls’ first experience at the county fair. |
And we ended the summer with one more beach trip with the cousins. |
School began, Zinni going to her very first day of preschool, Lucy in 2nd grade. |
Lucy tried out gymnastics and had a lot of fun. |
We planned our tuxedo cat Halloween costume for months… |
…because we’re all a little crazy about Oreo Cookie Hanson. |
Life isn’t always easy. But sometimes, it is just magical. |
We got VERY into making slime. |
We found a church we love and feel safe at, and got to see the girls be angels in the Christmas pageant. Lucy sand her first solo! |
Words can’t express how much I have to be grateful for this year. To end this year with a new and growing family to call my own - there is nothing more wonderful than that. |
2023, who knows what you will hold. I can’t wait for the memories we have yet to make.
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