my first “mother’s” day
The journey to motherhood has been a complicated and beautiful one for me. No little girl dreams of being a “stepmom” when they grow up; the fairy tales and Disney movies sure don’t help with the stepmother portrayal. But on the other hand they are a dream come true - I dreamed of having daughters, I dreamed of blonde hair and blue eyes. Stepmothering is a constant balancing act - wanting to give them everything I can, and not wanting to overstep. Not knowing whether to correct the strangers who call me their mom in passing. Waiting for trust to grow, and cherishing every moment it does. It’s not a journey I knew to prepare for, but I see now how my life has prepared me.
And now with one on the way, I am overjoyed and in awe. Watching a bump grow that I’ve dreamed of my whole life. Feeling like I will finally be “mom” in both function and name.
From zero to three(ish) in a year, it has been full of every possible feeling. But most of all, love. There is no end to how much we can love.
To all the mothers out there in all forms and titles, happy Mother’s Day. ♥️
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