a big week

 It’s been a big week.

The girls finished school, wrapping up preschool year #1 and 2nd grade. When we picked Lucy up on her last day of school meeting her on the blacktop surrounded by a swarm of excited elementary students, I bent down and said, “You’re a 3rd grader now!” and surprised myself by how I barely got out the sentence before I was too choked up to speak. Some moments are monumental, even though fleeting. 

We officially added a cousin to our family, as Linus was adopted at a courthouse ceremony four and a half years after having first joined the family. Tears flowed freely with joy as they promised each other and the judge that they will be family “forever and ever.” We can’t imagine life without you, Linus! 

Baby has been moving so much, and I just can’t soak it in enough. I can’t believe there’s a human being in there I will know so shortly. For this oh-so brief season, I get to hold him or her so close, so so close. I’m so grateful. 

Today, Father’s Day, we celebrate the rock of our family. There is not a day - probably not even an hour - that goes by that I don’t think about how grateful I am for getting to marry my best friend, getting to plan and dream for life together, getting to be each others’ teammates, getting to just be together. And his daughters love him just as much and more - I am continually amazed by his intuition and ability to connect with them in both the best moments and hardest moments; how he brings them constant joy; how he fills them up with words of kindness and encouragement; how he so intentionally fills their lives with consistency, security, and belonging. He is amazing. 

And today, of course, I miss my dad. As the years go by, I grow only more grateful for a childhood with a father like him. And I wish I’d gotten to have him for more of my adulthood. I wish we’d been able to see him become grandpa. His presence will never be replaced, and his impact on who I am will never fade. 

So it’s been a big week. A such a good one. 


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