dear baby

 Dear Baby, 

I hope you’re like your daddy: fun-loving and lighthearted, caring and deep.

I hope you’re like Lucy: curious and bright, affectionate and adventurous. 

I hope you’re like Zinni: thoughtful and silly, talkative and loyal.

I hope you’re like your Abuelita: diligent and open, devoted and stewarding. 

I hope you’re like your Grandpa John: social and entertaining, hard-working and humble.

I hope you’re like your Nana: intentional and perceptive, creative and courageous.

I hope you’re like your Papa: generous and funny, smart and serving.

I hope you’re like your Auntie: brave and committed, hospitable and innovative. 

I hope you’re like your Uncle Austin: intelligent and confident, resourceful and resolute.

I hope you’re like your Uncle Aidan: intuitive and insightful, playful and kind. 

I hope you’re like your Aunt Macaela: bold and witty, artistic and dynamic.

I hope you’re like your Aunt Destiny: determined and sentimental, dreaming and self-assured.

I hope you’re like your Aunt Jasmine: subtle and quippy, strong and tender. 

I hope you’re like your Wenzel cousins: original and expressive, lively and considerate.

I hope you’re like your Cox cousins: sweet and clever, sociable and vivacious. 

I hope you’re like your great-Grandma Nancy: faithful and engaging, unpretentious and wise.

I hope you’re like your great-Grandma and Grandpa Hanson: encouraging and joyful, loving and personal. 

I hope you’re like your great-Grammy: imaginative and considerate, welcoming and warm. And like your great-Grandpa Jerry: deliberate and open-handed.

I hope you’re like your great-Grandpa Val: supportive and astute, conscientious and earnest. And like your great-Grandma Norma: dedicated and steadfast.

I hope you’re like your great-Grandma and Grandpa Bennett: industrious and grounded, boisterous and familial. 

I hope you will be a little bit of everyone, and so many more: every friend and relative who touches your life will shape you. 

But more than anything, I hope you love being uniquely you, exactly you. We can’t wait to find out who you are with you.




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