long days, short years, rivers
They say the days are long but the years are short. And I believe them.
Today we decided to go for a float in the river, all four of us, late afternoon. It had already been a long day and we were tired but we were also hot and the kids needed to get out and do something. It took forever to get all the snacks and rafts and life jackets and shoes and suits and towels and a hundred other random things all packed up, all the whole trying to maintain the peace and nearly calling off the whole thing a time or two. After several setbacks, we finally made it to the river, much later than expected but finally doing it. Nate and I not sure if we were going to make it to bedtime.
But then, floating down the river, surrounded by golden hour light and blue waves, I got to just watch them. Happy and laughing, talking and asking questions, sharing and snacking. We floated to a park we’d all gone to two years ago, and I marveled at just how much they’ve grown and how fast those two years have gone. That already instead of a tiny girl in braids, we have a grade schooler who amazes us every day. And instead of a barely-verbal toddler we have a boisterous preschooler who makes the best playmate.
And instead of a nervous twenty-something tiptoeing through the initial stages of dating a man and his kids, we have a stepmom who becomes more confident every day, and who’s carrying the last member of the party.
Time does fly.
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