caring for the mother

 It struck me this week how more than probably any point in the motherhood journey, pregnancy is when we’re meant to learn that caring for ourselves is intrinsic to caring for our children. 

I found out I haven’t been eating as much protein as I should, and needed to get on some more supplements for a few other things as well. Of course I hopped right online and ordered the supplements despite the cost, and I’ve been finding as many ways as possible to get my quota of protein each day.  I do those things without hesitation because I know that if I don’t have enough vitamins and nutrients, neither will baby. It’s just that straightforward. 

In just a few short weeks, that body connection will shift to a nursing one. And a season after that, the connection will change significantly from what it is now. But even with children who don’t depend on my body to sustain them, they still depend on my ability to be there for them. 

I see it so clearly so often. Days when I’m not at my best - not rested, not present, not heathy - are often the days I see the girls struggle most. They still depend on my stability and consistency and health, no matter how subtly. And while I’ve noticed it before, I was so reminded of it this week as I was brought back to the physicality of this relationship. I will always be doing my kids the highest service by taking holistic care of myself. 


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