first week

Can’t believe we finished our first week of home schooling for Lucy. I’m so proud. 

Proud of her team - her mom, dad, and me - for working together so well for her best interest. After years of Lucy not thriving in school and experiencing growing anxiety and social issues, we finally decided to make a change. We don’t know what the future will look like, but we know it will be more tailored to what she needs. And proud of us for figuring out how to do home schooling between two homes. 

Proud of me for taking on home schooling when for years I’ve felt like I couldn’t in our unique situation. I’ve been afraid of what that could do to our relationship. Granted, it’s only been a week, but I’m loving it. 

And so proud of Lucy. These were big, fast changes, with a lot of unknowns. But she is taking it on eagerly and doing so well. I can see her more at ease and thriving already. 

No matter how long we home school, I’ll be grateful for every single day. 💜


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