my little white boy

Oh my baby, 

My little white man

I have so much to teach you

About your place in the world

How to be humble 

And still stand tall 

How to take responsibility 

And find paths forward 

How to be a leader

By often letting others lead 

How to use your voice 

And when to let others speak 

You have so much to learn, 

My little white boy.

But for now, 

While you rest in my arms 

And cling to my chest, 

I will just teach you this:

You are loved beyond measure.

You are perfectly made. 

You are safe, adored, and treasured. 

Maybe, just maybe, 

If you feel those things deep deep in your sweet little body and soul, 

The rest will come naturally. 

Maybe love is the answer. 

It usually is. 


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