stay-at-home spirituality

In an interview we conducted for our podcast this week, I found myself listening to our interviewee discuss the idea of spirituality. 

I had asked him for practical examples, explaining that ever since my faith had changed from my deeply evangelical days, I didn’t feel like I really did anything “spiritual” like I used to. 

As he spoke, he mentioned that children are often the most spiritual among us because they have so much less pulling them away from the wonder and joy in the simple things around them: a snail, the feeling of tickling your own arm, watching clouds. 

As I listened, I realized that while I felt like I had ignored or abandoned spirituality in my life as a busy stay-at-home mom, maybe it was actually the opposite. 

Maybe I am one of the lucky ones who gets to enter spiritual “thin places” more often because I spend my day with children. Because I pause and watch the butterfly with them, feel the grass with them, splash bath water with them. 

It’s changed my perspective. I’m so grateful. So lucky to be living out a stay-at-home spirituality. 


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