vegetables, piano, and malaria
A few weeks ago, Nate challenged us each to set three goals for this year (not that I've ever been slow to make goals at the beginning of the year!). In thinking over what is important to me, I am proud to have come up with three goals that I feel really encapsulate what I care about most deeply.
First, a goal for my family. I want to give them more servings of vegetables each week. Plain and simple. Not sharing the specific number because I'm embarrassed by how low it has been in the past, haha.
Second, a goal for me. I want to play the piano at least 3 days a week for any period of time. I sat down the other day and pulled out my Star Wars piano solo book, and played Rey's Theme. It is hard, and yet so beautiful. The notes are more than inspiring to me; they feel like they pull something foundational to my being closer to the surface. They remind me of who I am and who I want to be. I can't really describe it. But, playing the piano - particularly learning and perfecting difficult pieces - makes me feel smart, a feeling that I haven't gotten to feel as much in the last season of life (pregnancy and postpartum brain)!
So that's 2025 - if I can hold to these goals, I can't wait to see how the year unfolds.
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